Safe And Unsafe Household Plants
If you are someone who loves house plants and has a bird then this list is for you! House plants are great, they provide better air quality, make a home more inviting with its lush greenery and they just liven the place up! But we need to be mindful of bird proofing our homes as plant lovers. As much as we love our plant babies they could be harmful or toxic to our birds.
- African Violet
- Acacia
- Aloe Vera
- Apple
- Arbutus
- Ash
- Aspen
- Autumn Olive
- Baby Tears
- Bamboo
- Bee Balm
- Beech
- Begonia
- Birch
- Bottlebrush (Callistemon species)
- Bougainvillea
- Butterfly bush
- Cissus (Kangaroo Vine)
- Chickweed
- Christmas cactus
- Citrus
- Coleus
- Callistemon
- Comfrey
- Coneflower
- Corn Plant
- Cottonwood
- Crab Apple
- Dandelion
- Dogwood
- Donkey Tail
- Dracaena varieties
- Elm
- Eucalyptus
- Ferns (asparagus, Bird's nest, Boston, Maidenhair)
- Figs (creeping, rubber, fiddle leaf, laurel leaf, weeping)
- Fir
- Forsythia
- Gardenia
- Grape Ivy
- Guava
- Hawthorn
- Hen & Chickens
- Hibiscus
- Honey locust
- Huckleberry
- Impatiens
- Jade Plant
- Kalanchoe
- European Larch tree, Larix decidua
- Magnolia
- Marigold
- Monkey Plant
- Mother In Law
- Mulberry
- Nasturtium
- Natal Plum
- Norfolk Island Pine
- Nut (except chestnut and oak)
- Orchids
- Palms (areca, date, fan, lady, parlour, howea or Kentia, phoenix)
- Papaya
- Pear
- Peperomia
- Petunia
- Pittosporum
- Poplar
- Prayer Plant
- Prune
- Purple Passion (velvet nettle)
- Quince
- Ribbonwood
- Rose
- Rubber Plant
- Sassafras
- Schefflera
- Sensitive Plant
- Sequoia (Redwood)
- Spider Plant
- Spruce
- Snake Plant
- Swedish Ivy
- Thistle
- Velvet Nettle
- Wandering Jew
- Wax Plant
- White Clover
- Willow
- Yucca
- Zebra Plant
- Zinnia
- Acokanthera (fruit & flowers)
- Aconite (Monkshood, roots, flower, leaves)
- Amaryllis (bulbs contain alkaloids)
- Angel trumpet tree (flower & leaves)
- Apple seeds (see Cherry Laurel)
- Atropa belladona (all parts)
- Azaleas, Rhododendrons (all parts)
- Anemone (wildflower)
- Anthurium
- Arum Lily
- Avocado
- Apricot seeds (see Cherry Laurel)
- Australian Flame Tree
- Autumn Crocus (bulbs)
- Balsam Pear
- Baneberry (red & white berries, roots & foliage)
- Beach pea
- Betel Nut Palm (all parts)
- Bird of Paradise
- Bishop's Weed
- Bittersweet (berries)
- Black Laurel
- Black Locust (bark, sprouts, foliage)
- Bleeding Heart, Dutchman's Breeches (foliage, roots)
- Bloodroot
- Bluebonnets (all parts)
- Bottlebrush (Aesculus Parviflora variety)
- Boxwood (all parts)
- Bracken fern
- Buckeye Nut, Horse-chestnuts (sprouts, nuts)
- Buckthorn
- Bulb flowers (amaryllis, daffodil, hyacinth, narcissus, iris)
- Burdock
- Buttercup (all parts)
- Cacao
- Caladium (all parts)
- Calla Lilly (all parts)
- Camel Bush
- Cardinal Flower
- Carolina Jessamine (flowers, leaves & sap)
- Cassava (roots)
- Cherries (twigs, foliage are fatal)
- Castor bean (seeds are fatal)
- Chalice (trumpet vine)
- Cherry Laurel (all parts are dangerous, contains hydrocyanic acid)
- Cherry seeds
- China Berry Tree (berries)
- Chokeberry
- Christmas Berry (berries)
- Christmas Candle
- Christmas Rose (all parts)
- Clematis, Virginia bower
- Climbing Lilly
- Columbine (all parts)
- Cocklebur
- Coffee Senna
- Coffeebean - rattlebush, rattlebox, coffeeweed
- Common Privet (black or blue wax coated berries & leaves)
- Corncockle
- Coyotillo
- Cowslip
- Crocus (bulbs)
- Croton (outdoor plants)
- Crown of Thorns
- Cyclamen
- Daffodil (bulbs)
- Daphne (berries are fatal)
- Datura
- Deadly Amanita
- Deadly nightshade (all parts)
- Death Camas (all parts, roots deadly)
- Delphinium (all parts)
- Destroying Angel (all parts)
- Devil's Ivy
- Dieffenbachia (all parts, especially sap)
- Dogwood (fruit slightly poisonous)
- Elderberry (leaves, shoots, bark)
- Elephant ears - taro (all parts)
- English Ivy (berries)
- Ergot
- Euphorbia (leaves & flowers)
- Euonymus - spindle tree
- False Hellbore (all parts especially root)
- Felt Plant - maternity plant, air plant, panda plant
- Firethorn
- Flame Tree
- Fly Agaric (all plants)
- Four O'Clock, Mirabilis (all parts)
- Foxglove (all parts fatal)
- Gelsemium (all parts)
- Glottidium
- Golden chain (seeds, pods may be fatal)
- Ground Cherry
- Heaths - kalmia, leucotho, peires, rhododendron, mountain laurel, black laurel, andromeda
- Heliebore (all parts)
- Heliotrope
- Hemlock (all parts)
- Henbane (all parts)
- Holly (leaves, berries)
- Honeysuckle
- Horse Chestnut (all parts)
- Horsetail Reed (all parts)
- Hyacinth Bulbs (can be fatal)
- Hydrangea (whole plant)
- Impatiens (whole plant)
- Iris (underground stems)
- Ivy (all parts)
- Jack in the Pulpit (root)
- Jatropha (seeds & oils)
- Jasmine Yellow (all parts)
- Jessamine Cestrum nocturnum (berries fatal)
- Jerusalem cherry (fruits & leaves)
- Jimson Weed (all parts)
- Juniper
- Kentucky Coffee Tree
- Lambkill (leaves)
- Larkspur (foliage, roots, seeds)
- Latana Camara (green berries fatal)
- Laurels (all parts fatal)
- Lily of the Valley (all parts)
- Lobelia (all parts)
- Locoweed (all parts)
- Lords and Ladies
- Lupine (seeds)
- Machineel (all parts)
- Malanga
- Marijuana (all parts)
- Marigold
- May Apple (all parts)
- Mescal (all parts)
- Mexican Breadfruit
- Mexican Poppy
- Milkweed (all parts)
- Mistletoe (berries fatal)
- Moccasin Flower (all parts)
- Mock Orange (all parts)
- Monkshood (foliage, fleshy roots)
- Moonseed (berries possibly fatal)
- Morning Glories (all parts)
- Mountain Laurel (young leaves & shoots)
- Mushrooms & Toadstools (wild types)
- Narcissus Bulbs (can be fatal)
- Natal Cherry (berries)
- Nettles
- Nicotiana (wild & cultivated - leaves)
- Nightshades (all parts)
- Oaks (foliage, acorns)
- Oleander (foliage)
- Peach seeds (see Cherry Laurel)
- Pear seeds (see Cherry Laurel)
- Peppercorn Tree
- Peony (all parts)
- Periwinkle (whole plant)
- Philodendron (leaves & sap)
- Photinia Robusta (poisonous seeds and flowers)
- Pigweed
- Pikeweed
- Pinks (all parts)
- Plum seeds (see Cherry Laurel)
- Pokeweed (roots)
- Poinciana
- Poinsetta (leaves, sap fatal)
- Poison Hemlock (all parts fatal)
- Poison Ivy (all parts)
- Poison Oak
- Poison Sumac (all parts)
- Poppies (all except California)
- Potato (sprouts, foliage fatal)
- Privet (leaves, fruits)
- Pyracantha
- Rain Tree
- Ranunculus (all parts)
- Rape
- Redwood (wood chips toxic to fish, turtles & other aquatic animals)
- Rhubarb (leaves, leaf blade fatal)
- Rosary Pea (seeds fatal)
- Rosemary (certain leaves)
- Sandbox Tree
- Sage (certain leaves)
- Sago Palm
- Scotch Broom (seeds)
- Senecio (all parts)
- Shinus Mollis
- Skunk Cabbage (roots)
- Snapdragon (all parts)
- Snow on the Mountain
- Snowdrop
- Sorrel - dock
- Squirrel Corn (all parts)
- Star of Bethlehem (all parts)
- Stranomium (all parts)
- Sweet Pea (stems)
- Tansy (all parts)
- Taro (stems, leaves)
- Thornapple
- Tiger Lilly (all parts)
- Toadstools
- Tobacco Plants (all parts)
- Tomato (foliage, vines)
- Tulip bulbs
- Trumpet Vine (all parts)
- Virginia Creeper
- Venus Flytrap (all parts)
- Water Hemlock (all parts fatal)
- Wattle
- Wild Black Cherry (withered leaves)
- Wisteria (seeds, pods)
- Yam Bean
- Yellow Jasmine (all parts)
- Yellow Oleander (all parts)
- Yews (foliage, berries)